Sunday, February 18, 2007


This is a modified version of Knitty's clapotis. It's more of a wide, long scarf than a shawl. I started to follow the Knit Pixie pattern, but it didn't go so well, so I just kind of did it my way. It's twelve repeats of the middle rows and around forty stitches wide. It's done on size ten needles using about a ball and a half of Patons SWS in Geranium. It, pending an email from the nice lady who designed the Clapotis, will be raffled off for my local Relay for Life, all benefits to profit the American Cancer Society. Tickets will probably be a dollar and will be sold for the next month or so.

I'm blocking this baby today, so final width/height measurements will be available soon. I'm excited that this came out so well, even though there are a few knitted typos. I really hope we can do some serious fundraising with this scarf! I'm also planning to do a couple Odessa caps and Fetching mitts. I emailed the ladies who designed them- who were total sweethearts!- and they gave me the okay.

Here it is in progress. Note the typos?

And on the needles, hanging out on my bed. This is after one day of knitting.
Clapotis on the needles

Here it is, finished, with yarn tales still a' hanging and unblocked.
Finished, unblocked Clapotis

The end. Except... it's to be continued

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